Releasing The Pressure Of Uncertainty


What to Do When You Don’t Know What You Don’t Know

There’s a common story we’re told in the world of business: if you don’t know everything, you lack power. But I think that idea does more harm than good. I want to flip the script on this. Not knowing everything isn’t a weakness; it can actually be one of the most powerful tools we have. Here’s why embracing uncertainty can be a game-changer and how I’ve learned to navigate the “unknowns” as an entrepreneur.

Embracing the Power of Not Knowing

If there’s one thing I know, it’s that there will always be moments when you don’t have all the answers. In fact, feeling uncomfortable because you don’t know the next step is a sign that you’re growing. Growth often feels uncertain because it’s something new; it’s an expansion beyond what you’ve experienced before. And that’s something to celebrate.
Research supports this idea: according to a study by Harvard Business School, people who adopt a “growth mindset” – embracing challenges and seeing failure as a pathway to growth—are more likely to reach their potential than those with a “fixed mindset” (Dweck, Harvard Business Review). So, the next time you find yourself stressed because you “don’t know,” try to see it as part of the process. Every stage of growth as an entrepreneur (and as a person) comes with a new layer of learning and uncharted territory. So instead of letting it bring you down, recognise it for what it is: proof that you’re evolving and building something new.

Focus on What You Do Know

When uncertainty strikes, it’s easy to spiral into thinking about everything you don’t know. But I’ve learned to flip that focus and ask myself: what do I know? What’s working well right now? What makes me feel excited and aligned? On the flip side, where am I feeling resistance or frustration?
Take a moment to assess:
  • What’s working? What’s currently lighting me up?
  • What’s not working? What feels heavy, slow, or inefficient?
Interestingly, a study by the American Psychological Association found that “reflecting on strengths” can reduce stress and increase resilience (APA). This simple act of focusing on what’s going well provides an anchor during times of uncertainty.

The Power of Asking WHY?

When I come across a problem, I try to take a logistical approach instead of letting it feel overwhelming. Here’s a tip I use: I start by asking myself why a certain thing isn’t working. Breaking it down like this opens up possibilities instead of letting fear take over.
For example, if I notice resistance around a certain task, I’ll look for specific reasons why it’s causing stress. Is it something I can outsource? Do I need more training or resources? I believe WHY? is one of the most empowering questions we can ask ourselves. The process of asking why turns uncertainty into a way forward, giving me options to explore instead of just focusing on what I “don’t know.”

Letting Go of Perfectionism

One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that waiting until I “know it all” is a form of perfectionism. As a perfectionist myself I like to see it as my super power and credit my achievements and reputation as somebody who never misses to my attention to even the smallest details. But perfectionism can be paralysing. Studies show that perfectionism is linked to higher levels of anxiety and burnout, especially among entrepreneurs and leaders (Molnar et al., Frontiers in Psychology).
If you’re stuck thinking you need to know everything before moving forward, it’s time to let go. Start where you are, with what you have, and trust that each step will bring you closer to clarity. I’m constantly reminding myself (and my clients) that “done is better than perfect” and “half-finished is better than not started.” Because ultimately each step taken, even if it’s messy, is better than standing still.
(Get Started! If you want to implement more operational structure into your business (and life), but you find operations overwhelming – Start with 52 Biz Clean Up Ideas, our free resource designed to take the overwhelm out of operations and help you get started.)

A Good CEO Knows When to Ask for Help

It’s a myth that a strong CEO has all the answers. Real leadership is about knowing when to reach out for help. I was recently speaking with a client who felt she should “have it all together,” and I reminded her that asking for support doesn’t make her a “bad CEO”—it actually makes her a great one.
(Research indicates that leaders who seek feedback and support are 35% more effective at navigating complex challenges than those who attempt to tackle everything alone (Gino, Harvard Business Review).
When I face challenges in my business, I know I have a team, mentors, and even loved ones who can help me get through it. But at the same time, it’s equally important to reflect internally. I ask myself where I feel resistance and what I do know to guide my next steps. These small moments of clarity often lead to big breakthroughs.

Going Beyond Your Comfort Zone

I’m constantly hearing this saying: “If you want to go places you’ve never been, you have to go to places you’ve never been.” And I love it. Because growth isn’t supposed to feel comfortable; it’s supposed to stretch you, challenge you, and push you to explore new parts of yourself. So the next time you find yourself feeling overwhelmed by what you “don’t know,” remember that it’s all part of the process. Take a moment to ground yourself, reflect on what you do know, and trust that with each step, you’re moving closer to the version of yourself and your business that you’re meant to create.
Embracing the unknown is a practice, not a destination. By shifting my focus to what I know, leaning on my support system, and letting go of perfectionism, I’ve learned to find power in not knowing. And I hope this perspective helps you do the same. Remember, we’re not here to have all the answers – we’re here to keep learning and growing.



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