As I sit here, reflecting on the person I’ve become since moving to Australia, I can confidently say that this move has been nothing short of life-altering. It hasn’t just changed me—it has completely reshaped how I live, how I think, and most importantly, my standards in every area of my life.
My life in the UK
There was nothing wrong per se with my life in the UK. Me and my partner left home at 17 with little to our names. But we made it work. And I’m proud of the life we built there. We both worked incredibly hard, we created a friendship group we loved and spent many a weekend exploring and enjoying the beautiful landscapes that Devon and Cornwall have to offer. (On the odd week of the year the sun made an appearance it wasn’t too shabby 😆). But I can’t lie, the forecast looking like this 99.9% of the year was SO depressing 😫.

But even with all the good, I always felt like I was holding out for the life I really wanted. I made attempts to create the environment I longed for, but nothing ever quite stuck. Because things weren’t exactly as I wanted them, I allowed space for excuses, unproductive habits, and behaviours that didn’t serve me or my vision.
Moving to Australia
This move was a real pick you up and drop you in the lifestyle you want moment for me. There was no more room for excuses because everything was perfect. Externally the standards shifted around me, and therefore I had no option but to meet them there. For just one example; when I’d try and take myself for a walk in my old UK town, I’d be lucky to pass an older couple sitting on a bench, whereas here the older couples I pass on my walks are out for their daily run! (It became hard to make excuses for not prioritising my health when I moved to a location where half the population over 60 were fitter than me 🤣).
I feel as though living in the UK there was this real live-to-work hustle culture that I honestly just don’t believe in and refuse to subscribe to. Whereas here (especially the specific area we’re in) the culture surrounding work couldn’t be more different. People work to live, and it’s visible everywhere you look. Surfing, swimming, soaking in the sun, attending classes, enjoying dinners… It’s not just about work and money; it’s about life, happiness, and fulfilment.
Coming Out Of My Shell
In July, we had our best friend from the UK visit us with his girlfriend and he said something to Josh that really stuck with me… He said “It’s so nice seeing Rhi have hobbies, since I’ve known her she’s just really been a home-body and seeing her get out of her shell (he laughed when he said shell 🤣) has been really nice”… And it’s true. (The man has known me since I was 12 years old…. so if that doesn’t give you an idea of the couch potato/workaholic I was back in the UK I don’t know what will).
The cold weather was no bueno for my extrovertedness (is that a word??). Since moving, I play on a netball team every Monday, I play social basketball most weekdays, I go to Hot Yoga with a friend I have made, I play sudoku in the sun most mornings, I go on walks almost daily and have started integrating a netball training regime (I got AI to create this for me 🔥🔥) and the list genuinely goes on.
The Positive Impact of Sunshine
There’s a reason people in sunnier climates are often more upbeat—it’s not just a coincidence. Research shows that exposure to sunlight increases the brain’s release of serotonin, a hormone associated with boosting mood and helping you feel calm and focused. Sunshine can also improve sleep, boost the immune system, and increase energy levels.
For me, waking up to blue skies and feeling the warmth of the sun has been a game-changer. It’s made me feel more alive, more active, and more in tune with my body. It’s been easier to stick to my healthy routines and stay motivated to engage with life more fully, both personally and professionally.
The Influence of Your Circle
A huge factor in personal growth is the company you keep. It’s often said that the five people you spend the most time with are the most accurate representation of who you are. There’s even research to back this up—psychologist Jim Rohn is credited with this idea, and studies confirm that the people you surround yourself with deeply impact your success, habits, and mindset.
Since moving, I’ve been surrounded by people who have expansive mindsets and live lives of abundance. Whether it’s their health, their careers, or their overall approach to life, they’ve pushed me to see new possibilities for myself. Being around people who prioritise their well-being, enjoy their lives, and are unapologetically ambitious has encouraged me to continue raising my own standards.
Building structure to live a fuller life
In truth, I’m still a workaholic. It’s not uncommon for me to work 12-14 hour days. But all in all, since moving to Australia I’ve been living a lot more life. I just do lots of both now 😆. And whilst I credit my motivation for my days to look like this to the sunshine. Making it possible has meant: building my systems so that I know exactly where my time spent will pay the most rewards, building a solid team so that not everything falls on me, and excellent time management and discipline… all helped by the fact that I wake up at 5am, plus am consistently working on MY vision.
The Power of Environment in Self-Improvement
There’s a reason why environment plays such a critical role in self-improvement. Numerous studies show that changing your environment can positively impact your mental health, productivity, and overall well-being. In fact, research has consistently shown that the spaces we live and work in shape our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours.
For me, the shift from a damp, grey environment to a vibrant, sunny one has meant my external surroundings now reflect the life I’ve always wanted. By living in a space that aligns with my aspirations, I’ve found it easier to become the best version of myself. When the environment around you reflects your values and goals, it’s almost inevitable that you will rise to meet them.
Building Structure to Live a Fuller Life
This move has only reinforced how crucial structure is if you want to increase your capacity, operate at the highest level, and live a blended life that includes both work and play. My systems have become my greatest asset in balancing all my passions. Having the right processes in place has allowed me to get the most out of my time and energy without feeling overwhelmed or burnt out. Structure doesn’t limit you; it creates space for you to pursue everything you love, while staying grounded and productive in your professional life.
Without this structure, I’d be stuck in the same old patterns. But by fine-tuning my time management, building a solid team, and staying disciplined, I’m able to stretch my potential, pursue new hobbies, and still crush across my multiple businesses.
Your Environment Can Change You’re Life
In truth, I’m still a workaholic. It’s not uncommon for me to work 12-14 hour days. But all in all, since moving to Australia, I’ve been living a lot more life. I just do lots of both now 😆. From the sunshine that fuels my days to the people who push me to be better, this shift in environment has not only transformed my habits, but also elevated my standards in life. Surrounding myself with expansive minds, in an environment that promotes health, happiness, and fulfilment, has created the perfect storm for growth. And, by building structure into my life, I’ve been able to balance work and play in a way that allows me to truly live—not just exist.
The right environment, the right people, and the right systems are key to becoming the best version of yourself. I’m living proof that when you change your surroundings, you can change your life.