Increasing Your Capacity To Live The Ultimate Blended Life


As a born multi-passionate I have been navigating the “having it all” narrative my whole life. And I’m not one to boast, but after 24 years I’d like to think I’ve done a pretty good job at cracking the code – at least for now.
And what I’ve learnt, is that if you want to live the ultimate blended life, whereby you get to pursue all of your multiple passions sustainably and feel fulfilled in every area of your business and life without consequences, then you need to increase both your INTERNAL and EXTERNAL capacity.

Internal vs External Capacity


What’s The Difference?

Your INTERNAL capacity is how much you personally can take on. This will fluctuate based on the severity of the external. But the more you can improve your patterns, the more you’ll be able to zone out the external and in turn, take on more.
Whereas your EXTERNAL capacity is your access to resources that act as your “match to flame” moment. Team members, outsourcing, knowledge, time, funds.
Even if you understand this basic concept. It can be tricky to pin point what’s taking up the internal vs external capacity in your own life. So I’ve listed below some examples of the things I find typically absorbing my clients internal and external capacity.

Things that take up your internal capacity vs things that take up your external capacity:


Internal Capacity Suckers
External Capacity Suckers
  • Unorganised and overwhelming abundance of thoughts.
  • Untidy surroundings
  • Those things that have been sat on your to do list and bugging you for ages
  • Highly demanding social gatherings and interactions
  • Poor mental and/or physical health
  • Guilt that you’re not getting enough done in business and in personal life
  • Lack of motivation and fulfilment because you don’t have time for the things that light you up inside
  • Team members and/or contractors who are lacking initiative and need to be spoon fed
  • Unorganised work space
  • Lack of time to re-connect with your passion and develop your skillsets
  • Lack of funds in your account and your business not performing as well as you’d like
  • Always moving, yet never having any free time and don’t feel as though you’re ever making any ACTUAL progress towards achieving your goals

How I Increase My Capacity



The most impactful way for me to increase my external capacity is to keep my finger on the pulse with my business operations. Whether this be processes and communication channels with team members, documentation for efficient delegation or investments in my development and learning. Keeping my business operations streamlined and up to date plays a vital role in maintaining and expanding my external capacity as a busy entrepreneur operating and managing several 6-7 figure businesses.


For me, I use rhythms as a baseline. Cadences of actions that make sure I’m set up to show up as the best version of myself. They spread across all aspects of my life. Some are daily, others are weekly. Some are lengthy, others are short. And when you look at them, you may think there’s a lot there. But by prioritising them, and not procrastinating on other things – they don’t actually take much time. And for me, having all of these things done and tracked frees up so much mental capacity. Making the time for these rhythms and building them into my life 10x’s my internal capacity, simply because they get the baseline things in my life handled and out of my head.
This works for me. But the key to success in increasing your capacity is finding what works for you.

The Framework

Like with everything else in life and business, our framework applies:
Because the truth is that as you continue to develop your business and grow as a leader, the things you want to do and HOW you want to do them will continue to shift. Meaning every process in your life needs to be in a CONSTANT cycle of refinement.
What works for you now may not work for you a year down the line, and that’s okay. Because if things weren’t shifting and nothing ever needed refinement, you’d never be progressing. (And if you’re anything like me, you’ll agree that a life without progression and development, isn’t a life worth living).
So the way to crack the code for yourself is by accepting that there is no magic answer. The only approach to move through life and business in a way that brings you happiness and fulfilment everyday is to accept that there’s no end goal. It’s a constant journey. And the only thing that matters are the marginal, compounding gains you make every single day, that get you one step closer to making your dream life a reality.



In this resource, you’ll discover 52 carefully curated ideas to revitalise and streamline your business operations.

Say goodbye to inefficiencies and hello to a more productive and successful business. Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these weekly tweaks and tips will help you achieve lasting improvements.

Get ready to transform your business, one week at a time